Monday, July 29, 2013

What's in a question...

Having grown up with one of the Masters of questioning aka my MOTHER!  I have always understood that getting to know more about people happens by asking about their family, work, hobbies, etc.  Often times we run into old friends, clients, co-workers, classmates and it's only a few minutes of questioning to help us get caught up with what is going on in their lives.

Yesterday, we had a great church sermon where Pastor Mark brought to my attention this exact concept of running into an old friend and a frenzy of questions to ask and answer during the time allowed by the brief encounter. He painted a perfect picture of one of my recent run-ins...."Yes, the kids are great!  One graduated from UNC with a music performance degree (his passion is trombone) plus a Broker's license in Real Estate and now helping me on my team, one at NCSU with pursuit of a degree in Geology (of some sort...that is above my head and understanding), and my youngest at UNC applying to the business school as we speak."  This was about all I could share before I started asking about their family so that I could know what was up with them.  What fun it is to catch up!

But, Pastor Mark then trumped this opening concept by asking us all, "What is the best question that you can ask?".  He went on to explain that if you really want to know about someone and what is going on in their lives, ask them this: "What are you praying about/for?"  WOW!  That was pretty deep!

In real estate, I often ask questions that we label, "the Heart of the Matter".  Meaning, what happens if you sell your home (or don't sell your home)?  What happens if you can find the perfect home (or don't find the perfect home)?  Usually, these questions lead to the real motivation behind buying and selling so that I can better serve my clients. But this question posed by Pastor Mark was even deeper than a "Heart of the Matter" question.  It was SOUL deep!  (...yes that was a pun)

How many times do you find yourself praying for help, for others, for praise, for the Glory of God? Sometimes we don't even know what to pray for (and that's okay, too).  But, if you do it all for the Glory, then you can be sure that your prayers are heard.

My daughter has been busy with summer internship and other activities.  One of her summertime hobbies has been painting canvas artwork of special sayings, stories, motivators, etc.  Today, I am using one that applies to all of us and to this thought of "What's in a question...What are you praying about?"

Have a great week and I hope I get the chance to run into some of you in the near future.  In the meanwhile, if you ask what I'm praying for, I'm praying for my friends that I don't get to see very often. 
Peace be with you!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Want to know more about our area?

This photo was of the inside of the RE/MAX balloon as it raised up at Salem Elementary in Apex, NC for the kids to see. It was quite a site! This reminded me of how great our area is to live in and how much I love to talk about it.

But, it seems I am always trying to find sources for providing information to tell people about where we live, what we do, what activities surround us, and how our area is one of the nicest areas in the country to live in and call home.

Do you struggle with this same challenge?

Well, I found a little resource that has been somewhat helpful.  It is a program that uses information pulled from our MLS system.  So, it is more reliable than Zillow and Trulia.  I hope that you will find it a useful resource as well.  It's kind of cool because you can look at areas side by side too!

Of course, the best resources are always the people that you know and trust.  So, when you need local real estate advice, I hope that my name will come to mind.  Feel free to call me, email me or text me at any time. I never tire of talking real estate as it is my hobby (ask my hubby about this one) turned profession and I hold a passion for it!

Hope you're having a wonderful month of July! I can't believe it's already half way over.

Go here for a local community report.

919-810-6965 (in case you want to talk or text)